Submit an Event - World War I Centennial
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Submit an Event  

Please fill in the form below to send an email with information about a World War One Centennial Commemoration event that is not listed in our database, or to report an error about or a change to an event listed on this web site. Thanks for your interest in the Centennial Commemoration of the First World War.
To submit an Event for inclusion in our database, please complete as many of the fields below as possible. (Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.) Thank you.
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Please upload any photos or graphics that you wish to include with the posting of the event that you are submitting. Each file must be smaller than 8 MB in size. You may upload five files total. Acceptable file type extensions are ".png" (preferred) or ".jpg". Unless you specify otherwise, all photos taken by you and submitted to this site will signify your intention to place these works in the public domain. If you wish to retain rights to the images, please specify your preferred license in the "License" area below. Thank you.
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Please indicate how (or to whom) the photos you submit should be credited. This can be your name as entered on this form, or a pseudonym, or, if the photo is from a source other than your camera, the name of the source.
If you have questions, or want to give additional information, please provide that in the text box below.
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