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Michigan's WW1 Centennial

Michigan's WW1 Centennial

Non-Profit Organization

If you have not visited Musee Skupinski online, Please do so on Veterans Day!
Just do a Google serach for: Musee Skupinski

A rather long post on Veteran's Day from a Doctor of Base Hospital 36 from Detroit. It shows the impact that one man and one unit can have on the war. The treatment for Mustard Gas on the eyes of soldiers and also the early signs that were notice of a disease out break in the front lines. Both are examples of how Michigan contributed to winning the Great War.

Base Hospital 36 was formed from the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, now Wayne State Medical School.
World W...

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Michigan's WW1 Centennial News Report for October 2015 is now on Youtube:


On September 12, 2015 the Village of Grass Lake, Michigan held it's Heritage Day Festival. See a Michigan WW1 Centennial display which features the 32nd Divi...

Michigan's WW1 Centennial News Report for September is on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4rKvq_dEN3A

Part Two of a two part program by Dr. Antje K. Gamble who talks about the collection of World War One Posters at the University of Michigan Museum of Art tha...